Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Dark Rival by Jude Watson (Jedi Apprentice Series, Book 2)

 It's funny how memory works, isn't it? It has probably been well over ten years since the last time I read this series.

There was one scene in this book which I remembered distinctly . . . Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a boat, leaving the mining platform where Obi-Wan had been a prisoner... Obi-Wan's electric collar couldn't be removed, so Qui-Gon ever-so-carefully sliced it off with his lightsaber. Ooo, ahhh! What a great picture of how much Obi-Wan already trusts Qui-Gon even before becoming Qui-Gon's padawan! So dramatic!

Guess what? That never happened. What was actually in the book:
     Qui-Gon placed his large hands around the collar, searching for a catch or seam. He could not break the collar, or twist it apart. He set his lightsaber to lower power and tried to cut it, but could not.
  "I need a high power, and that would injure you," he said.
  "Or behead me," Obi-Wan pointed out cheerfully.

... And  no, that exchange didn't happen on a boat. It was on land. And Qui-Gon had already deactivated the collar using the Force before they even got onto the boat in the first place. Oops.


 Left: The, uh.. skinny, manga version of Qui-Gon?

Upper right: Xanatos introduces himself as representative for Offworld. 

Lower right: Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon battling dragons in front of a cave, from book 1

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